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Mending the Heart: The Power of Art to Heal a Community cover image

Mending the Heart: The Power of Art to Heal a Community 2019


Distributed by epf media, 324 S. Beverly Drive, PMB 437, Beverly Hills, CA 90212; 310-839-1500
Produced by Silvia Garza Garza, Martha Hernández, and Alayde Castro
Directed by Melissa Elizondo
Streaming, 30 mins

Art Therapy; Children/Post Traumatic Stress

Date Entered: 05/21/2021

Reviewed by Jessica Brangiel, Electronic Resources Management Librarian, Swarthmore College

In 2017 a powerful 7.1 earthquake hit Mexico severely damaging the states of Puebla, Morelos and Mexico City. The centuries old town of San Gregorio Atlapulco was one of the hardest hit leaving many families homeless and the children of the town traumatized. In Mending the Heart, shot during a community workshop held with the children of San Gregorio Atlapulco, filmmaker Melissa Elizondo, beautifully captures the healing power of art and poetry.

Children ranging in age from elementary to middle school gather together to contribute to a community mural project. It is through this safe and welcoming environment where all are included that the children are prompted to explore and discuss their feelings by writing poems and creating paintings to be shared later with their families. The workshop takes place entirely outside where the children are encouraged to explore the nature around them and to utilize in their art and writing the color and textures of their surroundings.

This short documentary film provides only brief background information on the earthquake focusing mostly on the thoughts and feelings of the children of San Gregorio Atlapulco at this community workshop. It has a positive and uplifting tone though does not explore any specific themes deeply. The film is presented in Spanish with English subtitles and is appropriate for elementary to adult viewers though likely most useful for younger students. The filmmaker has provided a helpful study guide which describes in more depth the town of San Gregorio Atlapulco and complements this film well.

Published and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Anyone can use these reviews, so long as they comply with the terms of the license.