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Diabetes: A Heavy Cost 2021

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Docuseek2
Produced by SISTER productions, Close up Films, Brainworks, with Arte France and RTS
Directed by Dorothée Frénot, Benoit Rossel, and Xavier Sayanoff
Streaming, 85 mins

College - General Adult
Corporate Greed; Diabetes; Health and Wellness; Medical Ethics

Date Entered: 01/17/2024

Reviewed by Innocent A. Awasom, Associate Librarian (STEM), Texas Tech University Libraries, Lubbock, TX

Diabetes: A Heavy Cost is a documentary adaptation of the book Diabetiquement votre by Bertrand Burgalat. It shows the “global catastrophe in slow motion” called diabetes, including the history and evolution in the treatment and management of the disease. It dives in further on the complications caused by scandalous politico-corporate greed of the three pharmaceutical companies that have the monopoly of drug production in the global industry.

The film begins with the producers detailing their personal challenges in having access to and using insulin and their feelings of helpless when faced with the rising costs of medications. It further reviews the origin and evolution of diabetes and the race for a cure through natural and engineered solutions for various types of diabetics as well as the hazy or confusing nature of information surrounding insulin dosage.

The film highlights information about diabetes as a chronic condition which if well managed, patients could live a long and fruitful life. It also explores the unethical business practices between pharmaceutical companies, insurance companies and politicians as accomplices especially in the USA and Europe, when compared to the Canadians in the North, where the medical researchers gave their discovery of insulin to humanity for a symbolic $1, these practices are especially egregious. With genetically manufactured insulin, the price should drop but unfortunately that is not the case due to the western monopolistic tendencies' vis a vis foreign competitor from India, China, and Russia.

The video quality is good, except for sections using archival pictures/videos that are a little blurred, but the overall selection of advocacy clips and scenes captures poignantly, the dire nature of the impending diabetic pandemic. The creators’ warning, if no concerted global governmental and intergovernmental action is taken to rein in or bring down costs by breaking the pharmaceutical monopoly on prescriptions of medications for critical chronic illnesses.

The documentary shows organized advocacy of people globally affected by the diabetes crisis; and the tragic choices that have to be made due to their ability or inability to access lifesaving insulin. Their only hope lies in the dismantling of the diabetic industrial complex especially as the pharmaceutical companies are using marketing and persuasion theories at its’ best with the support of lobbyists in the corridors of power.

This documentary would be very useful for courses in Health and wellness, Health Economics, Public Health as well as Corporate Communications in academic, medical, special, and public libraries.

Published and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. Anyone can use these reviews, so long as they comply with the terms of the license.