The Script 2023
Distributed by Good Docs
Produced by Colleen Cassingham and Jess Devaney
Directed by Brit Fryer and Noah Schamus
Streaming, 15 mins
College - General Adult
Acting; Public Health; Transgenderism
Date Entered: 02/23/2024
Reviewed by Johnnie N. Gray, Technology Services Librarian, Christopher Newport UniversityThis fifteen-minute short is made by a group of transgender actors to tell a side of trans-health that is not widely discussed and is probably one of the most important considerations when transitioning.
When starting treatment, there is a tendency for doctors to make the person fit the narrative of a heteronormative world. This video has an excellent way of showing how gradations of femininity and masculinity are not taken into account when doctors discuss treatment options for transitioning from one gender to another. The title seems to allude to this exact issue - a “script” that doctors will sometimes go through when discussing options and repeating the same dialogue for each person, not getting to know them, ask further questions, and not assume one treatment fits all. Tailoring the treatment to the person rather than forcing someone into a strict narrative is being an effective medical professional. In this short, perspectives switch and roles switch – giving examples of correct, caring conversation instead of using the “script”. For such a short piece, the message is clear. This exercise in giving life to the “script” is well executed!
This short is well made and made more powerful because trans-people are portraying trans-characters. It provides interesting insight into the transgender community and their medical needs. Recommended for college-level and general viewing. Would work well in topics involving social sciences, psychology and even theater.
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