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The "Biology of" Series 2001

Highly Recommended

Distributed by BioMEDIA Associates, PO Box 1234, Beaufort, SC 29901-1234; Toll-free: 877-661-5355
Produced by BioMEDIA Associates
Director n/a
VHS, color, 15 min. each

Jr. High - Adult

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Barb Butler, Oregon Institute of Marine Biology

BioMedia Associates produce the “Biology of” series, which they describe as a comprehensive visual resource on living organisms. Four units make up the series. Microlife consists of four videos on viruses, bacteria, flagellates and amoebas and ciliates. Botanical Organisms includes three videos on plants, algae and fungi. The Animal Unit is comprised of videos on cnidarians, flatworms, molluscs, annelids, arthropods, echinoderms and nematodes, rotifers, bryozoans and minor phyla. Videos range in length from 15 to 30 minutes and are produced for grade level eight and up. Content guides for these and other BioMedia productions are available on their web site. Some videos are as old as 1990 but eleven of fourteen selections have been remade using new microscopy and photography techniques.

Four contributions from the Animal Unit of the series were examined for the purpose of this review (annelids, echinoderms, flatworms and molluscs). All four were written and photographed by Bruce J. Russell and David Denning who are well versed in their craft. The photography is superb and the scripts are well written. Each video discusses the evolution, phylum characteristics, major classes, larval development and natural history of the subject phyla. Online guides for each video provide an overview of the subject content and will be helpful to instructors assembling lesson plans. The entire set of program guides can be downloaded as a single .pdf document for each of the units within the series.

There are fourteen videos in the “Biology of” series although some of the promotional materials indicate that 15 videos exist. Each of the videos is available individually or they can be purchased as a set, but there is no discount for doing so.

BioMedia Associates have received awards for their productions. The stunning photography and well-edited scripts will make this series a very valuable addition to school libraries and popular with adult audiences as well. These are some of the best educational videos on this topic and they are recommended very highly to all school libraries.