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Latin Beat: Latino Culture in the United States cover image

Latin Beat: Latino Culture in the United States 2000

Highly Recommended

Distributed by Films for the Humanities and Sciences, Box 2053, Princeton, NJ 08543; 800-257-5126
Produced by cedeCOM
Director n/a
VHS, color, 120 min.

High School - Adult
Latin American Studies, Multicultural Studies

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Jeffrey Pearson, Film and Video Library, University of Michigan

One might assume by the title that this film is only about Latin music, but it is in actuality a wide-ranging personal exploration on what it is to be of Latino descent in America today. The first half of the film focuses on the expressions of an engaging variety of people including politicians, artists and musicians, who talk about their perspectives and experiences. The personalities include artist Andrés Serrano, poet Pedro Pietri, composer Luis Dias, dancer Paloma Herrera, actor Guillermo Díaz, fashion designer Willey Esco, photographer Mariluz Gordillo, radio host Paco de Radio Mega, TV producer Gamelier de Jesus, Newsweek editor Verónica Chambers, Washington Post journalist Jaime Manrique, and musicians Rubin Blades, Philip Glass, Pete Seeger, and David Byrne. New York City is another “character” in the film, embracing and transforming the wide variety of Latino cultures into a potent hybrid. The later half of the film focuses on the expression of Latino culture in the arts, particularly music. Traditional Latin folk music is heard next to Latin Hip Hop. Some attention is given to the challenges of racism and stereotyping of Latinos in America, but overall the film is a celebration of the exuberance of Latino people, and richness of Latino culture, and the freedom of expression found in America. Highly recommended.