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Precious Cargo: Vietnamese Adoptees Discover Their Past cover image

Precious Cargo: Vietnamese Adoptees Discover Their Past 2001


Distributed by Filmakers Library, 124 East 40th Street, NY, NY 10016; 212-808-4980
Produced by Janet Gardner and Pham Quoc Thai with the Independent Television Service
Directed by Janet Gardner
VHS, color, 56 min.

Multicultural Studies, Adoption

Date Entered: 11/09/2018

Reviewed by Kate Merrill, Literature & Media Division, Rochester Public Library

Utilizing actual film footage, photographic stills, and participant interviews, Janet Gardner's film, Precious Cargo, tells the story of the Vietnamese orphans who were airlifted out of Vietnam before the fall of Saigon in April 1975. Most of these children were left on hospital and orphanage doorsteps, never knowing their real parents. “Operation Babylift” was the brainchild of the U.S. military, designed to ship orphans to the U.S. for adoption by American families. Gardner’s subject is the twenty-fifth anniversary of "Operation Babylift", and the reuniting of these orphans, now in their twenties and thirties, in Vietnam. Gardner documents their trip to Vietnam and the reactions to their homeland. The documentary also explores the history behind the airlift, its social consequences, and the reaction of Vietnamese people to this massive resettling of native-born children.

The video’s best features are interviews with the orphans and other important witnesses to the airlift. It is also an intriguing examination of the cultural differences between the adult orphans raised in America, and their Vietnamese counterparts. They share a common ethnicity, but are worlds apart in terms of cultural mores and values. Because it explains the social and historical significance of the children’s stories in the context of a world event, this video can be a useful tool in the classroom.

Precious Cargo is recommended for a general audience and students, grades 9 and up. Those interested in multicultural issues or adoption may find this video useful.